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Trade Directories

Trade directories are an invaluable way of finding out about the commercial side of rural life. The earliest ones in our archive are from 1836 and 1845.


1836 Trade Directories
Inhabitants, 628.


A fair for shoes and pedlary is held on Whit Wednesday.


12 shillings each year is distributed to the poor as several small benefactories are lost to the Enclosure Act of 1812.


•    Rector – Rev. E. C. Kemp.
•    Parish Clerk – John Thing.
•    Farmers and Yeomen – Robert Brown, Jonathon Carr, John Jarred, George        Rudd, Henry Seaman, William Skinner, Henry Skoyles.
•    Baker – John Miles.
•    Butcher – William Ames.
•    Farrier – Robert Bradfield.
•    School Teacher and Tea Dealer – Nathaniel Hawkins.
•    Grocer and Draper – John Mason.
•    Shoemakers – William Hall. John Pratt.
•    Wheelwright- Willliam Neal White.
•    Blacksmiths – Robert Parker, Thomas Taylor, William White.
•    Corn Millers – Henry Neale, William Yaxley.
•    Cabinet Makers and Joiners – John Thing. James Neale.
•    Cattle Dealer – Matthew Yaxley.
•    Watch/Clock Maker – Edward Hoy.
•    Grocer – London Street Store, Robert Urber.
•    Grocer Draper and Leather Dealer – High Street Store, Robert West.
•    Publicans – Swan Inn-Matthew Yaxley. The Bell-Alice White. King’s Head-John Thing.
•    Jolly Farmers’ beer house-Edward Hoy.
•    Postman – James Wilmerson. Post to Fakenham Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday 8 a.m.


1845 Trade Directories
Pop. 702.

•    Rector – Rev. C. Kemp.
•    Parish Clerk - John Thing.
•    Lord of the Manor – Col. Jones.
•    Curate (Oxwick and Tittleshall) – Rev. C. J. Dashwood.
•    Land Owners – Mrs. M. Goggs. Thomas Hawkins. John Mason. Mrs. A. Seaman. Mrs. Rudd. Mrs. Stanforth.
•    Farmers – Mr. Barrett. Robert Bates (The Hall), Henry Brown. Jonathon Carr. William Jarred. John Nelson. Charles Powell. Henry Seaman. William Skinner. William Sparrow.
•    Pubs – Bell George Walker. Swan Matthew Yaxley. King’s Head Dennis Goodman.
•    Baker – Mrs. Forby.
•    Butcher – William Sparrow.
•    Shopkeeper – David Holland (London Street).
•    School Master and Tea Dealer – Nathaniel Hawkins.
•    Horse Breaker – George Walker.
•    Watch Maker and Beer House Keeper – Edward Hoy. (We have pictures of two of the grandfather clocks made by Edward Hoy).
•    Bricklayers – Henry Smith. Dennis Smith. Miller William Yaxley.
•    Joiners and Cabinet Makers – James Neale. John Thing. John Nelson.
•    Cattle Dealer – Matthew Yaxley.
•    Blacksmith/Wheelwright – John Fox.
•    Blacksmiths – Robert Parker. ThomasTaylor. William White.
•    Hatter/Clothes Dealer – William Barker.
•    Tailors and Clothes Dealers – Charles Basham. Thomas Basham. Robert Robinson. James Thing. James Yaxley.
•    Carriers to Norwich and Lynn on market days.


1935 Trade Directory

This is the last directory that we have.


•    The Rectory. Rev. J. Coulter.
•    The Hall. William Townshend Stovald.
•    Able Percy. Baker.
•    Ayers William, Butcher and Poulterer.
•    Barker David, King’s Head.
•    Barraclough’s Stores Grocer, draper and hardware merchants.
•    Barrett Alec Builder. Barrett Walter Smallholder.
•    Bayfield George, Blacksmith.
•    Bird John, Lower Farm.
•    Blazey Ernest, Baker.
•    Brown George, Carpenter Parish Clerk.
•    Crane Ernest, Threshing Machine Proprieter.
•    Daniels George, Butcher and Farmer.
•    Deadman Percy, High Farm.
•    Green Bertram, Smallholder.
•    Grimes Edward, The Swan.
•    Howling James, Cycle dealer.
•    Hunt Stephen, Smallholder.
•    Mason Horace, Smallholder.
•    Nelson Reginald, grocer and Post Office.
•    Bayfield George James, Sec, Odd Fellows Lodge.
•    Ringer Ernest, Farmer and Landowner.
•    Reading Room Secretary, Miss Daniels.
•    Stacey Bertie, Insurance Agent.
•    Stangroom Leonard, Hamrow Farm.
•    Williamson Walter, Church Farm.


Daniels Butchers
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