The Tithes Map & List 1842
Tithes (a tenth of rents and produce) were paid annually to the Church. The Great Tithe Barn, now long gone, was in the grounds of the Rectory.
In 1842 there were 975 acres of arable land, 275 acres of meadows and pastures and 30 acres of woodland in the parish plus 5 acres of Glebe Land which belonged to the Church.
The Tithes paid in 1842 were £344 6s.3d. in rents 327 bushels of wheat worth 7s. a bushel, 580 bushels of barley at 3s.11d. and 834 bushels of oats at 2s.9d.
In all 306 properties, land and buildings are listed with all the old field and meadow names which have nearly all been forgotten.
The main land owners were Col. Jones, The Earl of Leicester, Lord Charles Townsend. Henry and Robert Seaman, Robert Goggs, Rev. Henry Goggs, Thomas Hawkins, Henry Green, Robert and William Campbell, William Blyth, Rev. Sinklerand, Rev. Kemp.
A few people owned one or two properties but everything else was rented including most of the farm land.
There is a copy of the Tithes map in the village hall.
Other crops that were grown but not included in the tithe were peas, hay, wood and turnips.
Cows, sheep, pigs, chickens and the all important horses had to be fed.
Crops produced in 2005 included wheat, winter barley, spring barley, field beans, sugar beet, apples, black currants, oil seed rape, linseed, parsley, mint, tarragon and other herbs.